Доступен очередной выпуск журнала "CIGRE Science and Engineering"

22.03.2023, 16:15

На сайте издания доступен очередной выпуск журнала СИГРЭ «CIGRE Science and Engineering» №28 за март 2023 года.

Выпуск доступен бесплатно для всех желающих по ссылке.

Содержание выпуска:

  • Editorial by Rob Stephen
  • Stability of inverter-based resource (IBR) dominated systems with different types of local loads
  • Power generation by unhealthy photovoltaic modules
  • The use of a power flow controller to optimise current sharing in parallel HVDC cable connections
  • Fast frequency control to reduce intermittent behavior of RES moving toward ancillary services market in GCC
  • The impact of adoption of variable frequency drives on the bulk power system
  • Condition assessment of line composite insulators: after-service test programs and their practical application
  • Oscillatory Interaction Between Large Scale IBR and Synchronous Generators in the NEM
  • Integrated Modelling, Analysis and Optimization for Cyber-Physical Power Systems Considering the Impacts of Communication Networks
  • Applied SARIMA Models for Forecasting Electricity Distribution Purchases and Sales